July 14, 2013

Happy belated Father's Day

While we're on the topic of me finishing things in a timely manner . . . here's an illustration I started shortly before Father's Day and am just getting around to finishing. Ahem. Maybe I'll print it as a card next year! Still playing around with different techniques in digital illustration - it's still all so new to me. This is a combination of an illustration started in Illustrator and finished in Photoshop.

July 2013 desktop wallpaper

I've been wanting to try my hand at making some desktop wallpapers. I'm constantly changing mine, usually monthly, because I have visual ADD like that. Lately I've been into calendar wallpapers. I like the "seasonality" to it. Below you'll find my first stab at a wallpaper for this July (which is already half over, I know, but sometimes my projects get stalled). I'm still working on all the technicalities like sizing, formats for mobile devices, etc. I'm slow on the uptake there. But if you'd like to use this first attempt yourself, click on the image below. Maybe I'll start working on August now.