September 21, 2013

Coming soon to Spoonflower

I'm sure most of you have heard of Spoonflower, the online design your own fabric (and more) place. I've been lurking there for a number of years, I've ordered fabric from other designers, and the whole time I've really been wanting to design something myself. I'm finally getting there, thanks to a Skillshare class done in collaboration with Spoonflower. I actually worked on a different fabric design but decided it wasn't something I actually wanted to print. So I came up with the design below for my trial run. It might look totally hideous, it might not work, the colors might be wonky, or the blips in my design will be totally obvious, but whatever (!) the test swatch is on its way to my house. I can't wait to see it. Once I do I might put it out there for other people to purchase if they so desire. Then I hope to make myself some kitchen towels out of this stuff. 

Have you ever really needed to just get something done? That's how I felt about this. Waiting, waiting, maybe someday, once I know more, once I have the right tools, the right skills, etc. Sometimes I need to get past the second-guessing myself stage & just complete something to feel free to move forward, make some mistakes, and hopefully get better. I hope to see some more stuff like this around here in the future!

Find my fabric on Spoonflower here.

September 6, 2013

Friday Grab Bag

A random collection of bits from my week.

While my kids went back to school so did I, in a manner of speaking. I started perusing the online classes available at Skillshare and within a couple of days had signed up for two! So far I'm really liking both. One is for making patterns in Illustrator & one is about digital illustration.

For when those aforementioned kids came home from school I tried a new recipe found in Woman's Day magazine: Chocolate Cream-Filled Sandwich Cookies and, I have to say, they were as good as they looked. In a word: YUM.

This is not a new movie, but I had a recommendation to watch the documentary Helvetica. Actually very interesting, for a movie that's about what I would consider a rather boring typeface. I have a newfound respect for it.

I picked up these vintage patterns, which I loved for the design on the cover but I also think I might try to sew them. The dress especially looks really cute - it's called the "Jiffy Dress", how hard can it be?

I also added this Foldover Tote (from The Sewing Rabbit) to my never ending list of things I want to sew. Found the link, along with other bags I'd like to try, via How About Orange.

Finally, I did this little sketch above in honor of the Back to School theme of this week. Whew, we made it.