February 28, 2013

New spring patterns

It's wishful thinking time around here. Where we pretend that spring is right around the corner and not, in actuality, more like 2 months away. So I have spring on the brain and doodled out some patterns with rain boots and tulips. I'm going to try to mess around with them some more and combine them into one pattern. We'll see how that goes.

February 22, 2013

Flying collage

Today I spent some time working on a collage piece. Made with cardboard, pen, watercolor, and gouache. Not sure I'm done with it yet, but a fun experiment.

Weekly Sketches

This week's sketches inspired by the mini Boden catalog. I'm not sure why I get this catalog, but it's full of cute clothes and cute kids!

February 11, 2013

Arctic snowball fight

Here's an illustration I've been working on. Still finding my way around Photoshop. It's really fun, but I keep getting hand cramps from using a stylus!

February 6, 2013

Valentine's Day Bookmark Printable

I wanted to design a Valentine for my kids to use at school this year. After seeing this post by illustrator Abigail Halpin (I love her work), I thought this bookmark would be a fun way to go. I've put them together here so you can print both bookmarks at the same time. Simply cut along the black lines (including the line on the inside of the arms) and the bookmarks will slide over the top of a page, peeking out over the top. If you'd like a fun project to do with your kids, follow Abigail's tutorial and make your own!

Note: This is sized as a half sheet of paper (if you fiddle with your printer settings you can print 2 at once). Best results when printed on cardstock. For personal use only, please. 

Download here.

In the beginning

Another little piece of inspiration for me. I've heard this Ira Glass interview before and I love what he has to say about the beginning of any creative endeavor.